The sensitivity of the at-home antigen testing is not comparable to that of the PCR rapid antigen tests. “However, a positive COVID home test is pretty accurate and ought to be treated as a positive,” stated Alvarado. “This should be viewed as a positive.” However, if the test is performed too early in the course of an illness, it may provide misleading negative results. If you or your kid are exhibiting signs of COVID or have been exposed to the virus, it is in everyone’s best interest to take the necessary measures and retest within a few days.

Does the omicron variety respond to testing that can be done at home?
“Rapid antigen tests do not discriminate between the various strains of COVID-19, and there’s no literature that indicates they aren’t accurate with the omicron strain,” said Alvarado. “There’s no research that says they aren’t accurate with the omicron strain.”
Tips for assessing kids
At-home rapid antigen tests are not authorized for youngsters under 2. According to Alvarado, if your kid is under the age of 2 and is exhibiting symptoms, you should see your primary care practitioner in order to have a PCR test performed on them.
“It is important to be honest with a kid while doing any test on them, even an at-home COVID exam,” he stated. “This applies to all rapid antigen tests.” “Remain cool and explain to them in detail what you want to accomplish. Making it into a hands-on experience is another fantastic idea. Ensure that you inform them of what each step entails before you even begin to open the package. Let them experience everything, and have a satisfying prize waiting for them at the conclusion.
If the COVID-19 test results come back positive for either you or your kid, contact your primary care physician or the pediatrician your child sees, put on a mask, and stay away from your close family and friends.
If your kid has positive test results, make sure they are as comfortable as possible. Even if they are showing no signs of illness, kids should continue to stay away from school and other public locations. In the event that they do exhibit symptoms, it is important to keep them hydrated and make sure they are breathing normally. It is OK to provide them with Tylenol or Motrin if they develop a temperature. Always be sure to follow the dosage recommendations on the package. Visit to read about COVID-19 test myths you shouldn’t believe.

Alvarado has given the following piece of advice: “Monitor symptoms, and if they develop and involve shortness of breath or the inability to get enough oxygen in, be sure to go to your local emergency room.”
When is the best time for me to be tested for COVID-19?
It is recommended that you be tested if you have symptoms or if you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. Even if you don’t have any symptoms, medical professionals strongly advise being tested at least 5 days after coming into close contact with someone who has COVID-19. If you experience symptoms, you should be tested as soon as possible. You can also read about Coronavirus (COVID-19): testing and stay at home advice by clicking here.
It is also advised that you be tested in advance if you are going to see relatives who are immunocompromised, old, or too young to get vaccinated, or if you are going to be at a gathering where you won’t be able to maintain social separation. This was something that was expressed by Alvarado.
7 pointers to help you achieve a precise result
The TGA website has instructions on how to utilize authorized rapid antigen tests, and in order to compile these pointers, we analyzed those instructions. Take into consideration the following:
- Make sure you verify the date it expires. Do not utilize rapid antigen tests that have passed its expiration date.
- Before using some rapid antigen tests, they need to be allowed to reach room temperature and sit there for half an hour. Therefore, prepare in advance.
- If you are going to be collecting a sample using a nasal swab, blow your nose before you do so. If you are going to use a saliva test, you should not eat or drink anything for the previous ten minutes before collecting the sample.
- Make sure the sample doesn’t become contaminated. No matter the rapid antigen tests you decide to employ, the instructions will likely advise you to clean a flat surface, wash or sanitize, and dry your hands, and then arrange the test materials in a certain manner. It is imperative that you under no circumstances touch the business end of the swab (also known as the soft end that goes in your nose), since doing so will inevitably contaminate it.

- 5. Be sure to collect your samples exactly according to the instructions provided. For instance, if you are using a nasal swab, you will be instructed to push it into each nostril for two centimeters, spin it five times, and repeat the process. After the sample has been obtained, it is then added to the chemical solution.
- 6. Transfer a predetermined amount of the solution to the indicator device in the form of drops. You shouldn’t add anything more like “for good luck.”
- 7. It is important to read the findings at the precise time that was suggested. For instance, the instructions may direct you to read the result 15 minutes to 20 minutes after applying the solution, with no time in between those two extremes being acceptable. After twenty minutes, the accuracy of the result may no longer be reliable.
What exactly does each different colored line mean?
There are two lines of different colors that need to be found. One is the letter C (the control). This will inform you whether or not the test is functioning accurately. The other option is a test or an activity (antigen). The following is what happens when all of these factors are brought together:
- Rapid antigen tests are considered to be faulty if the line colored C does not appear. • if the C-colored line appears but the T (or Ag) line does not, your result is negative (you are unlikely to have COVID-19) and the test kit may have expired; if you did not do the test properly. if the C colored line shows and the T (or Ag) line does not.
- If the C line, as well as the T line (or Ag line), appears, this indicates that your test is positive and that you most likely have COVID-19.
What comes next?
Congratulations are in order if the test comes back negative and you don’t have any symptoms. If you get a negative result but still have symptoms, you should have a PCR test to confirm your suspicions. In the meanwhile, you should try to avoid making contact with other people.
In the event that you get a positive result, you should immediately do a PCR test to confirm the result, and in the meantime, you should self-isolate.